Monday 25 August 2008

about rain

there are alot of reeson s about why I don't like rain because it makes me soggy and wet.there is one reeson why I do like rain because it makes the flour's grow.


Anonymous said...

It is nearly Spring here just a week to go and then we will have some rain I hope. the spring flowers and blossoms on the trees are already growing and we haven't had a drop of rain for months!
I wish you were here to see the busy little Weaver birds building new nests.The husbands build and the wives inspect.If she doesn't like the work, she pulls it all apart and the male has to start again!!she only wants the best for her babies that's why. xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Today was our Spring Day at school. We had Maypole dancing from the 6 year olds which I copied from when you were at Thorntree School. Then we all walked round in a huge circle so all the parents and friends could see all the beautiful Spring Hats that we were wearing. Afterwards, the children threw the fruit and veggies from their hats to the animals. they also enjoyed Spring Day!

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is Arbor Day at the school. First of all we have a Spring Walk starting at the school and then right up to the house in a huge circle. We want to see how many laps the children can do.
After that each class will plant a tree. We have to plant 30 trees!!!
The children will each get an ice pop at the end. Wish you were here it will be such a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

On Friday, we planted 30 new trees. We really need some rain now for these trees. We also walked round the whole school , right up to the school gate, across to the house and then down to the paddocks again. Some children in the Wise Owls, did it 13 times. They were exhausted, as it was quite a hot Spring day.
On the walk we could see all the new buds on the trees and the lovely spring flowers. wish you were here!